Hazy Black

Anne Nowak

Like numerous artists and painters over centuries, Anne Nowak is captivated by the soft merging of the ocean and the sky in the distance. Creating an enigmatic transformation where sky and ocean are converted into a hazy blend of atmospheric colors, The Hazy Collection is Anne Nowak’s reinterpretation of a horizon.

All artworks are unique and may vary a bit from the photo. Hazy Black is spray painted with acrylic paint and matt coal on Hahnemühle paper.

The measurements can also vary a little, as Anne Nowak gently tears her artwork out of large paper pieces. The picture is very delicate and must be taken very good care of. We recommend having it framed right away, not touching it at all.

The frame is not included.

Measurements: 79 x 108 cm


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Although Anne Nowak uses materials as different as paper, mirrors, stones, and fabric, and different techniques such as screen printing, drawing, spray painting, and cyanotype, her aesthetics are driven by a fascination towards the outer hemisphere. She uses deeply poetical language to create magnetic works inviting the viewer on a mystical journey into micro universes of suns, moons, and planets.