To the Swedish Stockholm-based artist, Anna Johansson, being creative has been a way for her to connect with herself and close off the outside world with all its pressure.
Today, working both as an artist and as Creative Director at the Scandinavian shoe brand; Flattered, she unfolds her creativity both during her working hours and when she comes home. To Johansson art is all-enveloping.

“To me creating things should be an unforced and happy process.
As a child, I was very fascinated by architecture, glass art, dance, and interior design. I was certainly a bit odd when I think about it. But I have always had a need to express myself with my hands and visualize what I have in my head. With my background in art and fashion design, it became natural to start working with fashion drawing. This has since resulted in multiple forms of art, as abstract sculptures and paintings.”

“Art should not be complicated. I want to invite people into my artistic world and blur out boundaries between the difficult and the complex art with a few flicks of colour and dashes here and there.”

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